When deciding to cloth diaper we found ourselves lost, overwhelmed, and excited all rolled into one. I knew for a long time I wanted to cloth diaper. Something about it just seemed right, I couldn’t imagine myself using disposables. With that being said I have nothing against disposables, they just don’t fit my personality. I am frugal! So in the process of searching for the right system I found all in ones, pockets, and hybrid. WHOA! WHAT? So all in ones sounded the best, pockets were appealing too, and hybrids.. over my head. So all in ones and pockets it was. Never holding a cloth diaper before I quickly decided I should buy some and see what they were all about. One Saturday on my way home from work I saw a thrift sale sign and decided to check it out. Little did I know they had cloth diapers, and they were pocket diapers, SCORE! I grabbed 5, let me tell you, they are adorable. That feeling you get when you grab a cloth diaper for the first time, just knowing it will cover that cute offspring’s butt, indescribable. After getting my first taste of buying cloth diapers, I needed more. I headed to Once Upon A Child in LaCrosse, WI where I could find used diapers. While shopping, I looked over and Best Bottoms caught my attention. What are these weird things? Where is the cloth? I figured I better ask a clerk. She eagerly explained how the Best Bottom diaper system worked. “So you just buy a few covers and the different size inserts?” For this cheap, ahem frugal lady, this was much less expensive and seemed like less “stuff” I would have to store and wash. When I arrived home I researched and pictured myself as a cloth diaper mama. There was no question, Best Bottom was the diaper system for us! Less to store, smaller laundry loads, and cost to start blew every other option out the coop.
What do I need?
WARNING: This is what we found to be effective for our family lifestyle.
8 covers $135.60 20 Small Inserts $80 20 Medium Inserts $80 18 Large Inserts $72 Total = $367.60
Easy As 1.2.3.
Diaper Changing:
Unsnap diaper cover.
Removed soiled insert. Wipe littles bottom. Place in wet bag.
Snap in clean insert. Snap cover.
While breastfeeding there is no need to get rid of the waste, all remnants will dissolve in your washer. If on formula some feel like they need to get a diaper sprayer to wash the soiled diapers. We have found it less messy to just dump the droppings or use toilet paper if it looks like a rock stars hotel room. Either way I suggest doing this before you place the insert in designated wet bag.
Laundry Day:
Cold Rinse.
Hot wash.
Warm rinse.
Speaking of laundry, we wash diapers every 2 days with the amount of inserts listed above. We could go longer by using different sizes throughout the day, however, we find that diapers are harder to clean after the 48-60 hour mark.