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  • Mrs.Tumbleweed

Grand pappy

Living in a town you have probably never heard of, off a dead end road that is probably not on a map inside rural Wisconsin, sits my husband, Kenny, and I. We decided in the spring of 2015 that we wanted to take a chance and join the agriculture world. My husband growing up on a farm, raising steers, and being involved in the FFA this seemed like a pretty normal thing. For me however, I had BIG CITY dreams growing up. I did grow up in redneck central, where you put your chicken in a cooler to keep it hot on your wedding buffet, but farming!?! Let's just say my family was a little shocked. They thought after living in Phoenix, AZ for a couple years and Minneapolis, MN I would never be farming. No matter where I lived though, it just never felt like home. Looking out our honeymoon suite at beautiful Lake Superior I said, "this is beautiful and all, but I would rather be looking at a corn field." I am pretty sure at that moment Kenny was reassured we were meant to be.

We appreciate big and small farms, organic or not, but the mere hard work that they both provide in fulfilling our world with the food and nutrients we need to survive. Our hope is to feed our family and maybe a few others along the way, while filling the gap between producers and consumers. But most importantly to teach our children to have appreciation for the land and animals like our grand pappy’s have taught us. We raise, butcher, and grow food on the very land where Kenny's ancestors homesteaded in 1870.

We are part of a generation that grew up in a “buy it” world and at times feel a little knowledge lost. For education we depend on morning coffee with the family farms nearby, and reach to our parents for their experiences growing up on a farm. Our adventure will be filled with ups, downs, success, and failures, after all it is all part of God's plan ahead.

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